And so it ends, with Davone Bess cleared of all charges of douchiness and virtual wrong-doing. Today, Dolphins Public Relations honcho Harvey Greene confirmed to ThePhinsider that the twitter account originally known as Lambo_Weezy (and all subsequent faux accounts) does NOT belong to Davone Bess - WR of the Miami Dolphins.
If you would like to follow the entire saga of the infamous Lambo, please click here.
The impostor had many of us fooled, including yours truly. He got real NFL players, models, party promoters, and even bloggers and reporters to believe he was the real Davone Bess, even though his antics appeared to be at odds with the personality of the Davone Bess Dolfans have come to know over the past year.
Please get the word out about the impostor so no one else can be conned into following the scumbag who was attempting to leech off of Davone's success.
Thanks for everyone's hard work in exposing the fraud. And hopefully this can be my FINAL time reporting on Twitter.
I am glad Davone Bess has finally been vindicated in this matter, as I and several others can remain one of his biggest fans. There is no way I could support a man of the character of "Lambo_Weezy", fortunately for us, the REAL Davone Bess is the antithesis of Lambo.
Now someone just needs to get his Ustream Account taken down!
UPDATE: Lambo_Weezy has returned to his original Twitter username, but has since removed any references to Davone Bess from his profile. Bookem Dan-O!
1 comment:
Hahah who the F cares...Twitter is da debil.
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